Data visualization is the graphical and pictorial representation of information and data. Using tables, graphs and maps, data visualization tools provide a comprehensive method to understand trends, correlations or patterns in data.
Why is visualization important?
Data proliferation has made it difficult to manage and benefit from it. Data visualization is essential to portray this massive amount of information and make data-driven decisions. Of course, data is only as good as your ability to understand and communicate it, which is why choosing the right visualization is essential.
What are the main benefits of using visualization in data science?
There are several benefits to using visualization, including:
- Improved Insights. Data visualization allows us to spot data patterns, and correlations. Identifying these data relationships helps organizations focus on areas most likely to influence their most important goals.
- Better and Faster Decision Making. By using graphical representations of information, businesses can draw conclusions from large amounts of data. And since, it’s significantly faster to analyze information in graphical format, businesses can address problems in a timelier manner.
- Pinpoint emerging trends. By discovering trends visualization can provide businesses an edge over the competition, and ultimately affect the bottom line. It gives an easier path to identify outliers that affect product quality or customer churn, and address issues before they become bigger problems.
- Meaningful storytelling. Using visual elements with an engaging narrative, will get the message across to your audience.
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